November 18, 2008

Bye Bye Hair

*****Please note on this blog, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. What I am going to say in this is me venting and my personal feelings. I have had these feelings bottled up because my friends & family really don't understand. I just need to get out. This blog is more like I am writing in a journal.So if you dont like it or have some negative to say then don't. I need to let these feelings out before I blow. Thank you for reading and now back to your regular schedule. *******

I know that is a weird title post but that is what has happened in the last couple of weeks. Some may have now whats been happening if you have been on facebook. Also if you read my blog you may know that I have slowly losing my hair. It has been a really rough time during all of this. I have people staring at me looking like I have some disease, can't do much with my hair, the doctors not nowing what caused this. So my mom and I had been talking about getting me a wig till for the time being. The spots on my head kept getting worse especially the back of my head, I am almost bald to the very top of my head. So they finally came in last two weekends. So in the last week and a half I went to my hair dresser and we cut most of my hair off. I really thought I was going to cry but surprisely I didn't. I think I cried that weekend after seeing how short my hair is and how most of my hair is gone. The first couple of days in the wigs was hard. First it was uncomfortable and the caps for the wigs were itchy, itchy. I felt some days my head was so itchy I had lice. I am still learning how to style them and make them look really cute. Most of the time I feel like I look like a fool. Also during this time my wig has given me blisters off the top of my head and it was very painful. They have finally gone away.

During that time I was wearing a little bandana/scarf deal, I think that was worse than the wigs. People were making fun of me saying I look like a gangster, I am trying to be hood, people staring at me and looking at me like I have a disease. This past weekend I went grocery shopping and I had people laughing, pointing and whispering about me. It was so embrassing. All I wanted to do was go home and cry. My husband says I just shake it off but it is hard when your hair helps your confidence.

Sometimes I wish I had more confidence especially the girls of my wedding board. I look up to a lot of the girls because it seems like have all the confidence in the world. I mean by that they don't care how they look, don't care if other people like them or not, and they make friends so easily and with that have a great and close friends from that. It is hard to believe I used to be like that back in high school and my first year of college. When I went to Murray State I think thats when things changed for me. I lost all the confidence I ever had. I dont if it was because of the roommates I had, the sorority I joined or the other things happening during that time. I am hoping slowly with things will start to get better. Thanks for letting me just this off of my chest.

CMA Fashion Review

Last Wednesday was the CMAS and that is one of my favorite award shows. Probably I am a really big country fan. So I thought I would share who was my favorite dressed and who I just thought missed the mark. I will say this year I feel there were alot more misses, even some of my favs than they were hits.

So my favs in no order.

I loved the way Shania Twain looked. I love the little black cocktail dress. After the year she had she looked amazing.

I think that dress that Miley Cryus has on. It was just cute with a little punch of color.

Carrie Underwood looked amazing. I dont think she ever looks bad.

Nicole and Keith Urban, such a cute couple.

Miranda Lambert, though I think she could have lost those necklaces.

Jennifer Knettles

Last but not least Taylor Swift. She is another girl that I looks never looks bad. I love her style.

Now for the worst list.

Michelle Branch

Martina McBride

Reba, velvet never looks good

Reese Witherspoon, you always look great and this time I feel it was a bust.

November 9, 2008

Dance Scenes

So I have been on youtube a little bit of the weekend and was just looking for different videos. I started to stumble on different tv characters and the dances that they were famous for.

1. The Carlton dance. I loved the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and loved Carltons love with Tom Jones.

2. The Urkel. I remember Friday nights always being at my grandparents and we would watch TGIF on ABC. I loved Family Matters it used to be one of my favorite shows.

3. Now this is not from tv. These are just some great dance scenes from different movies.

4. The movie Center Stage was on this weekend and I love the last ballet that they did.

I think I may do some tributes to funny or good dances in television or movies. I dont know what do you think??

Fun video clips

So I know this has been posted on different websites and different blogs, but I lov the video of the Evolution of the Dance. It is so funny and just reminds of the dance styles through out the years.

So then I was searching one day and I saw that did that same thing as their first dance for their wedding. It was pretty cute as well. So I thought I would share I can't get enough of these two videos.

October 19, 2008

Can- What???

So I figured after seeing a new doctor I would write about whats been going on with my health. So most of you know I have been losing my hair and have been really tired. So my mom got a recommendation about this doctor who is environmentalist/allergist doctor who is really good. He is the type of doctor who looks at all of your symptoms and looks what is causing all of those symptoms. So before my appointment I had to fill out a 16 page questionaire if I was having certain pains or symptoms and if so how bad. So this past Thursday was my appointment, and it was a 4 hour appointment. After going through the normal doctor routine, weighing me, taking temp, etc I got to meet with the doctor just asking me some questions. Then he had me go in another room where he examed me some more. He tested my reflexes, felt my thyroid, made me walk in straight line, etc. So we go back to his office and goes over everything with me. It turns out I have a lot going on with my body. The first thing he says is causing my tiredness, pain, not wanting sex, my depression is that I have too much yeast in me. We all have a natural yeast in you call Candida, which is a friendly yeast. I have too many bad yeasts in my body that is harming the Candida. So they did a test for the Candida. I ended up getting stuck 25 times to see what level I need. I still have welts on my arm where they stuck me. That day was hard, I almost passed out.

Second with the doctor he thinks I am not getting enough minerals. Then we are going to deal with my thyroid and then thinks I have a food allergy as well. There was about 11 things he wants to check into but those 4 are the most important to him. So then this weekend they also had me do a magnesium test where Friday I had to collect my urine for 24 hrs. And while I was there yesterday they gave me 2 shots of magnesium ( I got in my hip and man did that 2nd shot they gave me hurt). So then yesterday after the shot I had to collect more urine. They do that to see if I hold the magnesium like a sponge or get rid of it. So now I also have to start taking magnesium tablets as well. Also yesterday I had gone in to learn how to give me shots. I am having to take weekly shots to help with the Candida. I am going to have to take shots, take medicine for the yeast plus take some good biotics plus magnesium. With all of this I am going to have change my diet, which is going to be hard since I have to limit alot of things and cant have certain things. So hopefully of this will make me start feeling better and maybe my hair can come back. I will keep you all updated as more happens.

In Remberance

So on October 5th it was the year 8 year anniversary of my grandfather's death. It was my mothers father that died. I loved my grandpa, though we weren't the closest I still have great memories of him. He and my grandma used to take us on small trips like Lake of the Ozarks, Naveu, IL, Santa Claus, IN, etc and they took us on two big trips to Disney World. My grandpa was the one who taught me to swim on the Kaskasia River. My grandfather was such a great man he would do anything for anyone at anytime. It was so hard over the years seeing him detoriate in health.

My grandpa died during my senior year of high school. The day before he passed, he gone to the hospital since he was having trouble feeling his legs and little did we now that more was going on with him. The next day he had one lung already filled up with fluid and later that morning slipped into a coma. My mom called the school to see if I wanted to go up to the hospital to say goodbye and of course I did. There was a teacher at my school did not want to come get for this phone call. I am not going to go into more detail but it was hard seeing him take his last breath but we knew that his suffering was over. We knew that he was in a better place and we would see him again. It is still hard on that day but each year it gets a little better. I love you Grandpa and I know I will see you again.

October 11, 2008

Weird night

So tonight was a bit of a weird night. I wasn't feeling good again so I stayed home and tried to go through some things. That way I could lay in bed and still get some things done. So I went out to get the mail and I see this truck just sitting in the street. I was a little weird cause the people were just sitting there and staring. Well I was home by myself and it was starting to get dark and I was a little freaked out. So I hurry up and grab the mail then hurry up to get inside. As I am heading into the house I hear a voice call out to me and say hey stranger. I turn around and it is one of my exes from back when I was younger. We will call him Mr.K.

K's parents and my parents used to go to church together and used to be good friends. My brother and K grew up together there for awhile and used to stay over at each others houses. Heck K's mom made one of my halloween customes. K was my first real kiss and the one who taught me how to kiss. We dated on and off for quite awhile. And throughout the year we had a really weird relationship and very complicated. We ended up breaking up because my parents knew at the time it was not the right relationship for me. I remember sitting at the dinner table and crying because I was so in love with him. I look back it now and realize that was not try love. Just a puppy love, a like. Throughout the years after that we would still hang out and talk and then we just stopped. I can't remember why but it just happened. Then we just started running into each every once in a blue moon. Last time I ran into was at JingleFest this past year. I found out he was getting married.

So you can imagine how weird it was to see him today. I found out that tomorrow he is getting married. We chatted for a little bit longer and he had to leave. After that it just got me wondering what would have happened if I would have married K?? His dad just to joke that when I was younger that I was his future daugther in law. Would I have been happy with him? Would have changed some of his ways with me or stayed the same?? I am happy with my husband and wouldn't change a think. But when you run into a guy who you have had so much history with it just made me wonder what might have been if we would stayed together through all those years.

Music soundtrack for the week

So I thought I would put up the music that I have been really digging for the week. There have been a lot of songs that I have been just keep listening to throughout the week.

First is Pink's So What. I just love this song and for some reason love the beat on this.

Second, is Danity Kane's Bad Girl. I have the cd and love listening to this song.

I just to be a Britney Spears fan when I was younger. Then the last couple albums she has put out I hated. When her new song Womanizer came out, I really enjoyed. It has a great beat and I always want to dance in my chair.

The last one is Taylor Swifts Love Story. I love her music and this one is another smash. I couldnt find a good one to post in my blog.

September 30, 2008

Been a while

I have been so bad with my blog lately. I plan on spending some time this weekend and updated my blog. I will give just a short redown on whats been going on. In the last month I have celebrated my 1 year anniversary, had some friends that have been having some problems. Also I am not sure it is something I am going to make into a post but this past couple of months I have turned into someone I just despises. I used to be this happy upbeat person and lately I come tired, crabby, and just a bitter person. Anymore at work I sometimes get annoyed with people quicker and other days I dont want do deal with anyone. Even driving home, people annoy me more and more. Little things that people do drive me crazy more than usual. Those days I wish I had a tank to either shot out their tires so they can't drive anymore or so I can run over their car. I dont know what the deal is anymore I have a feeling most of it comes from losing my hair. People keep looking at me like I have some type of disease and I hate it. I dont know what is going on and dont worry people you can not catch it.

Also with that I dont feel like I fit in or belong. I know that comes from shutting out my friends and my family, especially my family. I used to be so close with my family and ever since the 4th of July I feel like I have drifted away from them. I hardly ever talk to them and I know I need to but I just dont feel like it. I hate that I have cut myself off from my friends because now I am finally at a point that I am ready to start going back out and the friends that I do have I have pushed away. I am at point too that I am not comfortable with my body. I think I am at my heaviest I have ever been. And I hate that, I just want to feel beautiful and pretty again. I know I have made my husbands life hell because of that. I dont feel like half the time being lovey dovey with him. I just hoping that this mood can change and I can go back to my oldself. So look for more updates this weekend.

August 30, 2008

Dear Drivers

Since I have been driving over to Maryland Heights for about 6 months now, I have noticed a few things that drives me crazy about other drivers.

Dear drivers that use the fast lane, the fast lane is exactly for that purpose for faster coming traffic. If you a)are not going the speed limit or b) see that cars are backing up behind you then you need to get over. I understand that at time you were faster than other cars but you can get over especially if it is a two lane high way. This isn't a lets go take a Sunday drive, some people have places to go. If I honk my horn at you that isnt hey hows it going. It means the cars on the other side are going slower and you are too so get over.

Now on the opposite end, dear driver that think they are a Indy car racecar driver. There are speed limits for a reason. I dont mind going when people go over the speed limit, heck I do it, but you dont have to go so fast that you are bout ready to crash into someone or cause accident. If you are that much in a hurry to get somewhere you shouldnt be on the road or you should have left sooner.

Dear police officer, why is that you want to target me when I am driving?? The said two above are going to cause more problems then me. I am not the one who is going 80 to 95 miles weaving in between traffic on the interstate. At most I am going 70 in 65 speed zone. It just gets frustrating when you are pointing your gun at me and the person in the next lane is going faster than me.

I am tired of people that do not know how to use their turn signals. How do I know that you aren't just stopping the middle of the road? And dont get mad when I honk at you for not your turn signal. If you would have used it I wouldnt have to honk at you. So if you follow some of these rules I think would not have problems!!

High School Reunion

So the first Friday of August was my high school reunion. It was a celebrating 25 years of being open and it was not for a certain class. It was a reunion for Governor French Academy. I went there from 1997 to 2001 and had a graduating class of 9. That's right, 9 kids!! In our entire school, which was pre-K to 12th grade there was probably about 200 kids. It was really small school but I would not change a thing. I ended up having the best time of my life. So my best friend Mary Beth met me at my high school and went had dinner before hand in downtown Belleville. It was so good catching up with her and reliving old days. We were also talking about who we wanted to see there and who we didn't. Then we decided we should head on over there and get this sucker over with. We had gone to something like this but when we went was after her sisters graduation and it sucked. We really thought this one was going to be bad. When we got there one of my best guy friends and his girlfriend had shown up. I was so glad to see them. I knew there would be someone else there to talk to besides Mary Beth.
When we got there, there was not alot of people, more teachers than anything. They gave us name tags with our senior pictures and what year we graduated. That was a so embrassing. Throughout the night more people that I knew came trickling in. Then finally my other best guy friend came. I was so excited. Jonathan, Mary Beth, my brother and I were so close throughout the years. My senior year we had date nights with the two Jonathans. He didn't get to come to my wedding which was sad. But I was so glad to see him. Our headmaster or "our principal" took us on a tour of the school. There had been some changes since I had last been there. It was neat remembering though how things had been when I originally started there. While on the tour I ended up dropping my camera. I was so mad that I dropped it. After the tour I stood around talking with old friends. One of my old boyfriends was there. And we ended up having a really good conversation that night. I was really surprised how late I had stayd there since I really thought it was going to be boring. A group of us ended up going to a bar. Mary Beth and I had our normal drink at this bar. It is called a recliner. Basically they take a sandpail and put a bunch of liquor there. We get it every summer because that is the only time they serve it at the location we go to. It ended up being Josh, Mary Beth, Byron and his girlfriend Jesi. Before Byron and Jesi got there Josh had made a comment that he was surprised that Byron and I were friends. That really got me thinking about that. I am not surprised that we have been friends that long. I dont remember how we became friends but I am glad we did. Byron has been there for me over the years, especially during the boyfriend years when I have had boy troubles. I know I haven't been the greatest friend to him but I am so glad he has been there for me and stuck by me throughout the years. So all in all it was a great night.

July 22, 2008

Gateway weekend

So this is a little late but I have been so worn out and been busy with work as well. This weekend was the Busch series race at Gateway International racetrack. I am at all this races every time they have a major race. My dad has a raceway ministry program so if someone gets hurt we are there or if they need anything. It was a little hot but luckily there was a breeze blowing through. And most of the day I get to spend in driving around in a golf cart or in their media center eating free food. I got to try a local ice cream (I forget the name it was Blue something and made her locally). They had a White Cake that tasted like White cake with frosting. It was so creamy and smelled wonderful. Then the other flavors they had was Double Chocolate (that was good), Caramel (I am not a fan of caramel but I enjoyed it surprisingly) and then Mandarin Orange (it tasted like a Dreamcicle bar).

Before the race I got to be down in the winners circle. They have the driver introductions there and where the person that prayers, national anthem is sung and the people say Gentlemen start their engines. Dad was praying before the race so he had me come down there and sit with so I could get some pics. Dad got to go up stage and shake the drivers hands. All of sudden this guy comes and sits down next to me before dad was to go up there. Dad starts taking pics of this guy and I am like ok thats weird. He whispered in my ear I will tell you later why. So when they do the introductions, he goes up there. It turns out the man was Jason Keller. He is pretty big driver in the Busch series.

So right before dad was going to pray the power goes at the track. They had to use some generators to help power some parts of the track. It was funny, they had to use the mics from the radio station and ESPN to broadcast the prayer and such. And you could hear the people buzzing in the stands about whats going on. Here is a video clip of the gal singing hopefully it will give an idea of whats going on.

Then the best part was the winner of the race Carl Edwards. He is one of the nicest and one of the cuter NASCAR drivers. He always takes his time out for his fans. Plus he is from an area near St Louis. It is always good to see a person from the area win.

When he wins he always does a back flip from his car and so I thought I would post that for you to enjoy.

Sad Day

I just read on yahoo news that Estelle Getty from Golden Girls died. She was 84 years old. One of my favorite shows was Golden Girls and she was on one my favorite movies Mannequin. She was always so funny and gave the show some great parts on the show. I thought I would just post a clip of some of great moments.

July 10, 2008

Debbie Downer

Debbie Downer
So that is exactly how I have been lately. And to all my readers I don't mean to be. It is just that I am going through a lot and it really has been getting to me. If you are have read my blog, I was having problems with losing my hair. When I first found the spot on the back of my head it was a little bit bigger than a quarter. I was going to the doctor. I was getting cortzoid shots in the bald spot. Let me tell you that hurts so bad. It feels like someone is kicking you in the back of the head when they get down with the shots. So during the time it started to get worse so the dermatologist put me on a steroid for a month. Again that did not help and it was still getting worse. I went to my primary care doctor and he is having me go get blood work done to see if there is something else causing it. So now my spot is huge and still getting worse. Now this is all happening under the hair on the crown of my head. I am bald on my left side of my head and there is about 1/4 of hair on my right side. Now I have found another spot on the top of my head which is about the size of a quarter. And when people see my hair they all look at me that I have some disease and want to be near me. It is so embrassing. I can't help what is going and if I knew what was trust me I would take something to help it. I have already decided that if it gets worse I am shaving my hair off and getting a wig. I thought I would have be doing that when I get old but now when I am in my 20s. On top of that I am so tired and at times my body hurts. I know this sounds bad or weird but I really hope my blood work comes back and they find something. I just want to know what is going on with my body.

So I want to apologize to the people who have been wondering about me, emailing me, calling me etc. I just haven't felt like dealing with people cause I just have been so worn out and in a depressed state. Things are getting better and I am starting to feel a bit better. The hardest thing for me is just having people there that understand what I am going through. It is so hard because I just want to someone to not freak out when I tell about and then show them whats going on. I really need a shoulder to lean on during this. I promise from now on my blogs will be more positive. And I have a lot this weekend to write about.

May 26, 2008

I'm Sorry

So first off I just want to apologize to everybody. I have been really really lagging in the friend department. I have been meaning to call people, email people back, or just comment on peoples lives. But I had to take a break. In the past couple of weeks, I have hit my breaking point, so much that I had to take a little break for myself. One day at work I hit my breaking point I just had so much going on that I just burst. So I think I am finally sane again. So tomorrow I plan on getting back calling people, emailing, etc.

***NOTE*** Some of next blogs I am publishing may be a little depressed, sarcastic, etc. Please not that I am not looking for sympathy. I found while I have been stressed out that writing and getting all of my feelings out really helps me feel like I have lifted a weight off of me. I have been debating if I am going to start a personal blog that I can put all my feelings into or not. I have also been debating if I want to go see a counselor or not. When I had one of my breakdowns at work, it felt so good to talk to someone. I am just not sure if I want to talk to a professional or not. I have talked to a professional before when I got "sick" my first time but I really didn't like the person I went to. I am not sure so if anyone has any suggestions, that would be great. Or I wouldn't mind just having a girlfriend that I could vent to about anything and let them just spill everything and give me advice. At this point I am up for anything!!

May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

So today is one of the greatest days, I think, in the world, Mother's Day! I love that it is a day where we celebrate our mothers for what they have done for us and always being there no matter what. So this blog is for my mother. I want to say that my mom is one of the most incredible woman I have ever met. Throughout my life she has always been so giving and loving to everyone. I don't think over the past year I would have made through everything that happened without her. She has been my rock when things weren't going right. She has given me the wedding that I could ever want but still making sure we didn't go crazy on things. She has been the one where if I just need to vent I could come to her. With growing up over the years my mom has became one of my best friends. I love now talking to her about how things were when she was my age, freshly married, trying to survive. She has been a great help for me and she sometimes helps me to see things in a new light that I don't think about. I know I am rambling here but I truly love my mother and she is the greatest. So here's to you mom for everything you have done and just being there for me this past year!!

April 13, 2008

Beauty Pageants

No I have never done a beauty pageant so don't get that idea from post topic. When I was a little girl, my grandmother (dad's mom) and I would watch all the beauty pageants on tv. We would watch Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe and all the other ones that were on tv. Whenever they were on, I would always stay the night at her house and we would stay up watching them commenting on clothes and how they looked. As I got older we would also comment on her talent and question answer. We would make it a whole girls night. As I started to grow and get friends and work, I would either tape it or we would watch it separately and then call each other during the breaks saying I like this one, no that one dress was wrong. When I went away to college I really didn't watch them much and kinda gave up on calling her when I did. Last night the Miss USA pageant was on and I ended up DVR it and watched it later on. Now I always have 3 girls that I want to see make it far, Miss Illinois because I from IL, Miss Missouri, since it borders IL, and then Miss Texas, since that is my home state. In the pageant the other night, Miss Missouri and Miss Texas were in the 15 then I think 10. Miss Texas went on to the top 5 and she ended up winning the pageant. It made me so excited and reminded me back of my childhood days.
Miss USA 2008
So here's to you Miss Texas so glad you won!!

March 29, 2008

Remember these??

So I have been listening to my IPod in the car lately on my way home from work this past week. Now my Ipod is the original first one that ever came out. I bought it from brother back when and I have a bunch of songs on it from back when I was downloading music like crazy. So I used to download theme songs from shows or skits from shows. One of them I had on there was the Babysitter's Club show theme song. I used to read the books when I was younger and absolutely loved them. I always had to get the newest book or special as soon as it came out. I even had the game and some of the dolls. So I used to even watch the movies as well. So I was searching on Youtube and found an episode.

Then in my training class we were talking about shows and someone mentioned Ghostwriter. I used to love that show. Had to rush home everyday after school to see it!

Then we were talking about on Friday nights I used to watch TGIF on ABC. I used to love Fridays night. I remember it was always Full House, Family Matters, then two other shows that would always change up. One of those was the show Dinosaurs. So here is a club that I used to love.

So I have a ton more that I could go on and one about so maybe I will just make a post ever so often when I find shows that I grew up on. Who knows??

March 25, 2008

Can you believe that??

So in the post below, I talked about crazy and dumb state laws that have to be followed. Now most of these are off the books but I have heard some customers have quoted crazy laws. So I thought I would create a list dumb, crazy laws. Here we go.

Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.
It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
If an animal control officer is in uniform, it signifies to the public that he is an animal control officer.
A law in Fairbanks does not allow moose to have sex on city streets.
No one may tie their pet dog to the roof of a car.
Fairbanks: It is considered an offense to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose.
A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.
It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine.
When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person posseses.
You may not have more than two dildos in a house.
In Arizona it is illegal to take naked photographs before noon on Sunday.
Mohave County: A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
Honking one’s car horn at a sandwich shop after 9 PM is against the law.
At Arkansas State University two people cannot hold hands while standing in a doorway unless they belong to a union.
Little Rock: Dogs may not bark after 6 PM.; Flirtation between men and women on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30-day jail term; It is unlawful to walk one's cow down Main Street after 1:00 PM on Sunday; No person shall sound the horn on a vehicle at any place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served after 9:00 P.M. -Little Rock City Code Sec. 18-54
Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.
A regulation in San Francisco makes it unlawful to use used underwear to wipe off cars in a car wash.
Baldwin Park: Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.
Bowling on the sidewalk is illegal.
One may not use one’s own restroom if the window is open.
Pinball machines are outlawed, as well as mock horse racing games.
Men who wear moustaches are forbidden from kissing women.
In California it is illegal to have caller ID
Giving or receiving oral sex is prohibited.
It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent.
You cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
It is illegal to cry on the witness stand.
It is illegal to molest butterflies.
Persons classified as “ugly” may not walk down any street.
Throwing missles at cars is illegal.
In Denver, Colorado it is illegal for Barber's to give massages to nude customers unless it is for instructional purposes.
Keeping a house where unmarried persons are allowed to have sex is prohibited.
Sterling: Cats may not run loose without having been fit with a taillight.
Couches may not be placed on outside porches.
It is illegal for a man to kiss a woman while she is asleep.
In order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce.
Bloomfield, Conn: It's against the law to eat in your car.
Devon: It is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.
You aren’t allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.
It is illegal for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday.
The marriage of imbeciles and feeble-minded persons is prohibited.
“R” rated movies shall not be shown at drive-in theaters.
Getting married on a dare is grounds for an annulment.
No person shall change clothes in his or her vehicle.
One may not whisper in church.
Unmarried couples may not commit “lewd acts” and live together in the same residence.
It is illegal to sell your children.
Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.
When having sex, only the missionary position is legal.
You may not fart in a public place after 6 P.
It is considered an offense to shower naked.
You may not kiss your wife’s breasts.
It is illegal to drive over graves in a cemetery.
Women may not expose their breasts while performing “topless dancing”.
Lap dances must be given at least six feet away from a patron.

That's just some of them for now. I will start up with Georgia next time around

March 14, 2008

What a week

So this week has been an interesting and stressful week all in the same. First off this week was my last week of work at Farmers Insurance. I got a new job at United Health Group and I start Monday the 17th. So this week I have been trying to get my stuff cleaned up, papers filed, etc so the guys would have everything in order when I left. Monday I had a spa party which turned out really well and it helped that they were the ladies from church. It was a little nerve wracking that my mom was there and she got to see what I do for part time work.

Then Thursday was an interesting and long day for me. First off, I have had a bald spot in the back of my head for about a month. It just popped up out of nowhere and was about the size of a quarter. Then lately it has gotten worse. So I had an appointment with the dermatologist to see what was causing it. And leading up to it was stressful cause I kept imagining the worst that either I was going to go bald forever or I had sometime of cancer or tumor. It turns out I have alopecia areta , which means that that have hair loss in an area. The doctor said that people can go to bed everything is fine but when they wake up they are missing hair. I will go back to normal in about 3 to 4 months. He gave me a cortisone shots in the back of my head in the bald spot. Let me say this, that hurt like a bitch. After he was done it felt like someone kicked in the back of my head several times. The shot is supposed to help the hair growth process. I have to go back in a month to get another shot and see how the hair is growing back. That was fun and when we were going to make my appointment and payment I almost passed out. See I hate needles and I was so freaked out plus I didn't eat before so that played a part in that. They had to get a nurse to make me lay down, give me some crackers and she had to even put a cold washcloth on my head. My mom said I was as white as a sheet. But at least I know I will get better. Then after the dermatologist I had to go to the eye doctor cause I was having problems with my contacts. Now I am having to take eye drops again for eye allergies. Then to top off yesterday I found a chip in my center diamond on my engagement ring. I was so upset and we don't have insurance on my ring. So now we have to see if they can do anything or we are going to be saving for a new diamond hopefully it won't be too much.
So thank goodness the work week is over and Monday I start my new job.

March 9, 2008

Tag. I'm It

So I have been tagged be a couple of people. So The rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
1. I am a girly girl with alot of things. I love shoes, clothes, etc but I love stock car racing where you get dirty. I absolutely do not mind getting dirt in my hair, on my face, etc. I live for racing season.
2. I am deathly afraid of cockroaches. My uncles when I was little thought it was funny to take a live and a dead cockroaches down my shirt. So now when ever I see one, I freak out and almost get in tears.
3. I am always afraid that someone will break into the house and either kill me or rape me. When I was younger my grandma and I would watch Unsolved Mysteries and True Stories. And I guess the ones that dealt with people breaking in and getting killed or raped really most of taken a toll on me cause now I have a hard time sleeping. I even have a security alarm and it still doesn't help me feel safe.
4. I am addicted to Build-A-Bear. I have about 30 animals from there, and my collection keeps growing. I really love the special edition ones.
5. I am the oldest child. Everyone thinks my brother is the older one but I am. I guess for some reason I look like young.
6. I have always wanted to travel the world. The places I am really looking to go, is England, Ireland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Australia, the Carribbean, Brazil, and Japan, India adn Korea.
7. I had a graduating class of 9. That's right 9!!