March 14, 2008

What a week

So this week has been an interesting and stressful week all in the same. First off this week was my last week of work at Farmers Insurance. I got a new job at United Health Group and I start Monday the 17th. So this week I have been trying to get my stuff cleaned up, papers filed, etc so the guys would have everything in order when I left. Monday I had a spa party which turned out really well and it helped that they were the ladies from church. It was a little nerve wracking that my mom was there and she got to see what I do for part time work.

Then Thursday was an interesting and long day for me. First off, I have had a bald spot in the back of my head for about a month. It just popped up out of nowhere and was about the size of a quarter. Then lately it has gotten worse. So I had an appointment with the dermatologist to see what was causing it. And leading up to it was stressful cause I kept imagining the worst that either I was going to go bald forever or I had sometime of cancer or tumor. It turns out I have alopecia areta , which means that that have hair loss in an area. The doctor said that people can go to bed everything is fine but when they wake up they are missing hair. I will go back to normal in about 3 to 4 months. He gave me a cortisone shots in the back of my head in the bald spot. Let me say this, that hurt like a bitch. After he was done it felt like someone kicked in the back of my head several times. The shot is supposed to help the hair growth process. I have to go back in a month to get another shot and see how the hair is growing back. That was fun and when we were going to make my appointment and payment I almost passed out. See I hate needles and I was so freaked out plus I didn't eat before so that played a part in that. They had to get a nurse to make me lay down, give me some crackers and she had to even put a cold washcloth on my head. My mom said I was as white as a sheet. But at least I know I will get better. Then after the dermatologist I had to go to the eye doctor cause I was having problems with my contacts. Now I am having to take eye drops again for eye allergies. Then to top off yesterday I found a chip in my center diamond on my engagement ring. I was so upset and we don't have insurance on my ring. So now we have to see if they can do anything or we are going to be saving for a new diamond hopefully it won't be too much.
So thank goodness the work week is over and Monday I start my new job.

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