July 22, 2008

Gateway weekend

So this is a little late but I have been so worn out and been busy with work as well. This weekend was the Busch series race at Gateway International racetrack. I am at all this races every time they have a major race. My dad has a raceway ministry program so if someone gets hurt we are there or if they need anything. It was a little hot but luckily there was a breeze blowing through. And most of the day I get to spend in driving around in a golf cart or in their media center eating free food. I got to try a local ice cream (I forget the name it was Blue something and made her locally). They had a White Cake that tasted like White cake with frosting. It was so creamy and smelled wonderful. Then the other flavors they had was Double Chocolate (that was good), Caramel (I am not a fan of caramel but I enjoyed it surprisingly) and then Mandarin Orange (it tasted like a Dreamcicle bar).

Before the race I got to be down in the winners circle. They have the driver introductions there and where the person that prayers, national anthem is sung and the people say Gentlemen start their engines. Dad was praying before the race so he had me come down there and sit with so I could get some pics. Dad got to go up stage and shake the drivers hands. All of sudden this guy comes and sits down next to me before dad was to go up there. Dad starts taking pics of this guy and I am like ok thats weird. He whispered in my ear I will tell you later why. So when they do the introductions, he goes up there. It turns out the man was Jason Keller. He is pretty big driver in the Busch series.

So right before dad was going to pray the power goes at the track. They had to use some generators to help power some parts of the track. It was funny, they had to use the mics from the radio station and ESPN to broadcast the prayer and such. And you could hear the people buzzing in the stands about whats going on. Here is a video clip of the gal singing hopefully it will give an idea of whats going on.

Then the best part was the winner of the race Carl Edwards. He is one of the nicest and one of the cuter NASCAR drivers. He always takes his time out for his fans. Plus he is from an area near St Louis. It is always good to see a person from the area win.

When he wins he always does a back flip from his car and so I thought I would post that for you to enjoy.

Sad Day

I just read on yahoo news that Estelle Getty from Golden Girls died. She was 84 years old. One of my favorite shows was Golden Girls and she was on one my favorite movies Mannequin. She was always so funny and gave the show some great parts on the show. I thought I would just post a clip of some of great moments.

July 10, 2008

Debbie Downer

Debbie Downer
So that is exactly how I have been lately. And to all my readers I don't mean to be. It is just that I am going through a lot and it really has been getting to me. If you are have read my blog, I was having problems with losing my hair. When I first found the spot on the back of my head it was a little bit bigger than a quarter. I was going to the doctor. I was getting cortzoid shots in the bald spot. Let me tell you that hurts so bad. It feels like someone is kicking you in the back of the head when they get down with the shots. So during the time it started to get worse so the dermatologist put me on a steroid for a month. Again that did not help and it was still getting worse. I went to my primary care doctor and he is having me go get blood work done to see if there is something else causing it. So now my spot is huge and still getting worse. Now this is all happening under the hair on the crown of my head. I am bald on my left side of my head and there is about 1/4 of hair on my right side. Now I have found another spot on the top of my head which is about the size of a quarter. And when people see my hair they all look at me that I have some disease and want to be near me. It is so embrassing. I can't help what is going and if I knew what was trust me I would take something to help it. I have already decided that if it gets worse I am shaving my hair off and getting a wig. I thought I would have be doing that when I get old but now when I am in my 20s. On top of that I am so tired and at times my body hurts. I know this sounds bad or weird but I really hope my blood work comes back and they find something. I just want to know what is going on with my body.

So I want to apologize to the people who have been wondering about me, emailing me, calling me etc. I just haven't felt like dealing with people cause I just have been so worn out and in a depressed state. Things are getting better and I am starting to feel a bit better. The hardest thing for me is just having people there that understand what I am going through. It is so hard because I just want to someone to not freak out when I tell about and then show them whats going on. I really need a shoulder to lean on during this. I promise from now on my blogs will be more positive. And I have a lot this weekend to write about.