October 11, 2008

Weird night

So tonight was a bit of a weird night. I wasn't feeling good again so I stayed home and tried to go through some things. That way I could lay in bed and still get some things done. So I went out to get the mail and I see this truck just sitting in the street. I was a little weird cause the people were just sitting there and staring. Well I was home by myself and it was starting to get dark and I was a little freaked out. So I hurry up and grab the mail then hurry up to get inside. As I am heading into the house I hear a voice call out to me and say hey stranger. I turn around and it is one of my exes from back when I was younger. We will call him Mr.K.

K's parents and my parents used to go to church together and used to be good friends. My brother and K grew up together there for awhile and used to stay over at each others houses. Heck K's mom made one of my halloween customes. K was my first real kiss and the one who taught me how to kiss. We dated on and off for quite awhile. And throughout the year we had a really weird relationship and very complicated. We ended up breaking up because my parents knew at the time it was not the right relationship for me. I remember sitting at the dinner table and crying because I was so in love with him. I look back it now and realize that was not try love. Just a puppy love, a like. Throughout the years after that we would still hang out and talk and then we just stopped. I can't remember why but it just happened. Then we just started running into each every once in a blue moon. Last time I ran into was at JingleFest this past year. I found out he was getting married.

So you can imagine how weird it was to see him today. I found out that tomorrow he is getting married. We chatted for a little bit longer and he had to leave. After that it just got me wondering what would have happened if I would have married K?? His dad just to joke that when I was younger that I was his future daugther in law. Would I have been happy with him? Would have changed some of his ways with me or stayed the same?? I am happy with my husband and wouldn't change a think. But when you run into a guy who you have had so much history with it just made me wonder what might have been if we would stayed together through all those years.

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