October 19, 2008

In Remberance

So on October 5th it was the year 8 year anniversary of my grandfather's death. It was my mothers father that died. I loved my grandpa, though we weren't the closest I still have great memories of him. He and my grandma used to take us on small trips like Lake of the Ozarks, Naveu, IL, Santa Claus, IN, etc and they took us on two big trips to Disney World. My grandpa was the one who taught me to swim on the Kaskasia River. My grandfather was such a great man he would do anything for anyone at anytime. It was so hard over the years seeing him detoriate in health.

My grandpa died during my senior year of high school. The day before he passed, he gone to the hospital since he was having trouble feeling his legs and little did we now that more was going on with him. The next day he had one lung already filled up with fluid and later that morning slipped into a coma. My mom called the school to see if I wanted to go up to the hospital to say goodbye and of course I did. There was a teacher at my school did not want to come get for this phone call. I am not going to go into more detail but it was hard seeing him take his last breath but we knew that his suffering was over. We knew that he was in a better place and we would see him again. It is still hard on that day but each year it gets a little better. I love you Grandpa and I know I will see you again.

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