December 5, 2007


It seems everyone else is taking this little quiz/poll so I am bored so why not

1. Favorite Number - 2
2. Favorite Color - Toss up between pink and purple
3. Favorite Day - Saturday
4. Month - June
5. Song - Right now is Our Song by Taylor Swift. Not sure what my all time fav is
6. Food - Right now it is steak
7. Sport - stock car racing /NASCAR, trust me people it is a sport!!
8. Drink - Toss up between Amaretto & coke or midori sour
9. Candy- Dove chocolate
10. Ice Cream - Cookie Dough
11. Season - Summer
12. Band - Hmm not sure, I guess Green Day
13. Movie - Clueless
14. Website - There are a ton I like, but I guess it would be stlwed
15. Animal - Dog
16. Item of Clothing - Work out capris, I live in those things
17. Word - Fucker
18. Place - Texas
19. Holiday - Christmas
20. Vehicle - Most SUV type vehicles
21. Smell - Ralph Lauren perfume
22. Shoes - Flip flops
23. Quote - Aint no shame baby in my game, myself telling my friend that
24. Gum - I really like orbit in spearmint
25. Nail polish color - red with a hint of sparkle in it, but not bright red
26. School subject - English
27. Gift -Ipod
28. Midnight snack - Ice cream or ice cream sandwich
29. Year (of your life) - Right now either 2004 or 2007
30. Candy bar - Butterfinger
31. Food to cook - Mac and cheese
32. Soda - Dr. Pepper!!
33. Hobby - Reading and movie watching
34. Flower - Roses
35. Tree - Dont have one
36. Fruit - Strawberries
37. Vegetable - Broccoli
38. CD that you own - Taylor Swift's first ablbum
39. Actor - Owen Wilson
40. Actress - Reese Witherspoon
41. TV Show - ANTM & Gossip Girl
42. Vacation - anywhere tropical
43. Letter - H
44. Body part - EYES
45. Memory - Either my wedding day or my 21st
46. Job - Chilis
47. Name…Girl--Isabella Boy-Dean
48. Splurge…Purses & shoes
49. Game - Scene it
50. Spice - Cinammon