September 7, 2009

1st Month

So this marks my first official month down in Waco. It has been a fun, exciting, emotional and very stressful time while being down here. So I decided for this post I would do some pros/cons of being down here. I am going to start with the things I don't like down here first.

- Not alot of radio stations down here. There are some good stations down here but most of the stations are a Hispanic radio stations. I don't mind that music but unfortunately I don't know alot of Spanish so hard to understand what they are singing about. And then the rest of the stations either hardly comes in or is just all together static. I miss my Z1077, 92.3, 93.7 and 100.3. So lately I have been listening to alot of cds.
- No cable!! My brother doesn't not have cable at his house, so if I want it I am going to have to get it myself. So it is has been hard not watching my shows and I am really struggling to make sure most of my network shows I can watch on their websites, like Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Big Bang Theory, etc. This one has been kinda nice too but more I am really missing it.
- The roads here can drive a person nuts. Especially the side roads off of the highway, they are only one way even though they have two lanes so if you need to get to other side of the you have to find a street that does a roundabout to get there. It does take some time to get used to find and find those round abouts but in the end it gets easier.
- The water. The water here stinks!!! And sometimes I mean that literally!!! I know in the town where I work the water really stinks and even has made the toilets all brown looking. In Waco where we are at, it just has a weird taste. We even have a Brita system and it still has a weird taste. I miss the water back at home sometimes.
- The full bath in the house. One thing is that we don't have a vent in there so we have to open the window to help the steam go out. Well with the Texas heat the steams go out but it is still so hot and the mirrors are all fogged up. Also with the window if you try and open the window while the water is running or you are in any where near water you will get shocked. It drives me nuts so half the time I have to use a towel to open it.
- The schedule for training. Right now we are going to 4 pm to 12:45 am. It is wearing me out. I am used to staying up late but I think what it is the mentally I am not used to learning this late. When I get home I am tired but not sleepy enough. So half the time I am up till 2 or 3 am and then sleep until 12 or 1 pm in the afternoon. I have to get up and get ready for work by then. I am so glad that we are getting closer to our transition period because then we are working 12:15 to 9:15 pm. So it will be a sense of normalcy.
That is about all of the dislikes. Now on to my likes or the pros of Waco.

- I love being back down in Texas!! I miss being in my home state. The people here are so friendly!!
- The food!! There are so many great restaurants down here! And when going for Mexican food, you are more than likely going to get real authentic Mexican food. Plus there are so restaurants down here that we don't have in St. Louis like Whataburger, Cheddars, Carino's, even our CiCi's is better down here. I am surprised I haven't gotten fat yet!!
- Blue Bell ice cream!! It is a creamery ice cream and every month they have different flavors besides their standard. I am looking forward to their Key Lime Pie when that comes out. So far I have really enjoyed their strawberry cheesecake and their Neapolitan ice cream. I have been enjoying it so much.
- Having family down here. I love being down here with my brother though lately I haven't gotten see him because of him working and school and my work schedule. I know once I get into our transition period and then a regular schedule I will get to see him more. I am looking forward to be able to get closer to him. Also I have gotten to connect with my 2nd cousins and a third cousin. They have been so welcoming and have just been there if I needed it. It really helped me out the first couple of weeks.
- Well this is kinda of a plus for later on in the year but the weather!! I am really enjoying it staying warm. And from what I have been told that our winters here aren't much of anything so for me I hate snow!! So not having snow and maybe a couple weeks of cold weather I am all for!!
- There always seems like there is something going on this town!! Whether it is a festival, a fair, college football, or just something little you can find something to do. If not Dallas/Fort Worth is about an hour and half, and I think Austin is two hrs so it really isn't too bad!!
- Dr. Pepper Museum ENOUGH SAID THERE!!!
- Making friends down here. I have met some great people through my brother and then with work have made some great friends there as well. I have been trying to do something on the weekend. Which has really helped out and not sitting around and being bored.
- Finally starting to really heal. It has been hard trying to just heal and not be so upset over things or just so angry. Holding that all in is not good for me and lately I have been able to let some things go and forgive some people. I know that next Tuesday will be hard but I am trying to really work now on it so I won't be miserable. But being down here also I have been able to focus on myself and learn what kind of person I am and what I want from the next one. I think soon I will be ready to start dating. I don't want to start dating and realize I am not ready. Not fair to that person.

Well thats all of the things I can think of for now but I know being down here longer I will come up with more. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey will take me and see how things turn out!

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